Date: Friday October 11th 2024Time: 09:00 - 19:00Location: Theater Amsterdam


Unleash employee potential with WOW24's dynamic program, designed to help you take company performance and employee wellbeing to a whole new level. Explore groundbreaking topics, from social and mental wellness to leadership, longevity, and the cutting-edge role of AI in well-being and work.

The WOW Conference is more than just a conference; it is an investment in your company's vitality and performance. So come to the WOW Conference on Friday 11 October in Theater Amsterdam and prepare for the future of well-being!



08:45Breakfast by Crisp

09:30Opening ShowWOW IS NOW

09:40Tabe YdoOne Day Experience

10:00Jason SilvaAi & Well-being

10:30Kelly WeekersInterview & Q&A


11:00Salem SamhoudTalk

11:20Wouter Kolk, Charlie Macgregor, Gunay Uslu, Bram Schot.Future Leadership


14:00Anna Nooshin & Yeliz CicekPersonal Growth

14:20Dr. Laurie SantosYALE UniversityThe Science of Well-being

15:20Isha Foundation (Sadhguru)Experience


16:00Video Sound Bath

16:15WOW Factor PanelTom Peeters (Crisp), Ingeborg van Harten (7people), Ronald Nieuwenhuis (KPN), Niki Schilling(Rituals)

16:45WOW AWARDS 2024

17:00 END


At the heart of WOW is a profound recognition of our interconnectedness, a concept backed by extensive scientific research from prestigious institutions like UCLA and Harvard. This approach underscores the vital role of our social environment in defining and nurturing well-being. It's not just an individual journey; well-being is a collective responsibility, a collaborative effort where each member of an organization contributes to the overall health and harmony of the group. Our method is built on the understanding that individual well-being is deeply intertwined with the well-being of others. By focusing on how we choose to live and work together, WOW aims to create environments where every individual can thrive. This collective approach not only enhances personal well-being but also fosters a sense of belonging and purpose, unlocking the WOW in everyone and transforming organizations into vibrant, supportive communities.

Early Bird tickets are now live!

Act fast to secure your lowest possible rate – very limited supply

Attending the WOW conference is your gateway to transforming your company into the healthiest and wealthiest it can be by elevating employee well-being to unprecedented heights. At WOW, you’re investing in the future of your company by empowering your greatest asset: your people.